Your story or letter to ME!
 From Mama Dot's & Mama Rob's wedding in Canada on Thanksgiving Day, 2006

Rylee: On September 11, 2005, I embarked with my mamas on our initial Stand UP Speak OUT project, Gay Into Straight America. Please use the form at the bottom to keep sending me your stories and/or letters! They continue to inspire me!
Our year long journey may be over, but I am not going to stop Standing UP and Speaking OUT. How about YOU? Won't you join Two Women and A Poodle? Let's inspire others, create a tipping point, and change our world!!!
Share your story or write me a letter using the form below. Please tell you how you plan to Stand UP and Speak OUT. Each person's commitment is essential. Let me remind you of the legacy of Helen Keller, inspired by her words:
I am only one. But still I am one. I cannot do everything. But still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.
Please also send me your ideas for lessons you would like me to write about! I wrote ten while I was on our Gay Into Straight America journey. Click here to read those. I would love to hear from you!
People ask me "How did you get your name? Mama Rob gave me Rylee. "Ry" is taken from two letters in Mama Rob's (Robynne) name. The "lee" is taken from Mama Rob's s middle name "Leslee." When Mama Dot came into our lives shortly after I was born, Mama Dot started calling me "Rylee Joy," and it stuck. They say it fits me to a "T" because I bring joy to everyone I meet.
A note from my mamas, the Two Women: Why did we take Rylee Joy on our Gay Into Straight America journey? We feel that our animals can bridge the divide between many of us if we pay attention to the lessons they teach us. Rylee Joy has a special gift in that area. Little did we know how specifically she would point that out to us as we traveled! Yes, each time our tone of voice got any type of tension in it, she would let us know by pawing us as if to say, "Hey, cut it out! How can you attempt to create authentic connections if you aren't doing it yourself?" We say, "Progress, not perfection!" She taught us more than we could have ever imagined! Like Rylee Joy expressed with her tangle with the skunk, Ancora Imparo...I'm Still Learning. So are we! Rylee Joy looks forward to your letter!