My picture album
More pics coming soon! I am still recovering from our year long journey, Gay Into Straight America! Here's my photo album from that trip. It takes time to sort through all the pictures Mama Rob made...she is a great photographer! Call her when you have an event or want her to make portraits of you with your dogs and other animals. She's also great with weddings. She and Mama Dot make a great team, with Mama Dot officiating!
 My mamas and me were grand marshalls of the first ever Bellingham Pride Parade

My poodle friends and me at Jupiter Beach in Florida | |
My friend, Lauren...she and her brother, Riley, are friends who wrote us a beautiful letter when we left. Click here and read! |
My real life as the "Queen" in my back yard before beginning our journey, Gay Into Straight America...those were the days! |


| and Mama Rob...I love her sooo much! |
Ok, so next time I am going to play non-violently with the skunk! |


| on Easter/2006 with the Gulley famly... doesn't get much better than that! |
The winds in Nebraska were a little much for my hairdo! |


Email...never ending! |
It's July and I am giving Mama Dot strength in more ways than just to walk this swing bridge! |


I am standing UP & speaking OUT with Mama Dot! |
Taking a rest in my bed! |


Finally! It's about time that I got to attend one of their weddings! This was their wedding in Canada on Thanksgiving Day, 2006 |
Not only did I get to attend their wedding in Canada, but I was the ringbearer! Mama Rob is removing the rings from my pouch, attached to a rainbow beaded necklace. |

Here's a close-up of me in my rainbow wedding attire! Yes, I ears and other parts of my hair are still brown from the solution applied when I had my encounter with a skunk. My face is black because my hair is growing back its original color (black), and Mama Rob trimmed the brown off my face! |
I was a little disappointed that I wasn't asked to be "flower girl" at the wedding Mam Dot officiated for Tammy & Rachel, but wedding photographer Mama Rob got THE PHOTO! Spending time with my friend, Lauren, one of "The Kids" who wrote the beautiful letters to us when we left on our journey, helped ease my pain! I stayed with Lauren, Riley, Auntie Karen & Uncle Kirk Ghio while my Mama's were in the Northeast for three weeks one time. When I came home, I was very sad, as I really missed the family and my girlfriend Phi Phi (also a black standard poodle), so I was ecstatic to see them at the wedding rehearsal! |


I was talking with a new friend on Jupiter beach in Florida |
I am running on the beach for a morning jog |