Join Our Powerful Voices Hangouts on Facebook
Coming in 2014
Our Story Life is a daring adventure, or nothing at all. —Helen Keller
 Gay Into Straight America Journey
Daily World Article - Growing Up Gay & Christian (re:from hometown paper) |
Live YOUR Truth! Ten Empowering Principles |



 Diversity Beans
TOP TEN TIPS! (for allies & GLBT) |
Researchers Speak OUT! |
Focus on the Family experiences |
WHY Marriage Equality? 1,138 Rights |
Marriage Equality vs Civil Unions? |
 It's official! Ref 74 in WA is Approved! Same Gender Couplse have Freedom to Marry! History was made 11-6-2012

Coming 2014

 Join the Conversation Inspiring the Power of ONE in each of us to Energize the Power of ALL of Us, as we transform ourselves and our world, one person at a time!
I am only one. But still I am ONE. I cannot do everything. But still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do. -- Helen Keller & Edward Everett Hale
Mission INSPIRE you to use your Power of ONE to make a difference through engaging hearts and minds, creating authentic connections, and transcending differences that separate us.
ENCOURAGE you to live as the gift of who you are, aspiring daily to live an authentic life, the essence of what it means to be human.
CREATE & SUPPORT projects that recognize we are ALL connected, and that what affects one of us, affects all of us.
Click here to see how we will accomplish our mission.
Training2Transform Training, Consulting, & Coaching for Diversity inclusive of GLBT persons
"Sharing experiences from their year long journey, Gay Into Straight America, Dotti Berry and Robynne Sapp offer fresh insight that can help people inside corporate America move toward a more diverse culture inclusive of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons. Their desire to inspire their own community to live more authentically within the corporate environment offers the best bridge for creating a greater understanding."
Rohini Anand
Senior Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, Sodexho
Sodexho, AOL, & Freddie Mac PRIDE group Reps
Mayor Tom Potter in Portland, Oregon sporting his GISA rainbow wristband (above link to video from PFLAG NW Conference)
(L-R) Dotti, Tom, Karin (Tom's wife), Roby & Katie (Tom's daughter, the first openly gay police officer in Portland, Oregon)
Connecting Threads Theory: 10% of Us affect 100% of Society
What ONE question did we ask every person we met on our Gay Into Straight America journey?
Do you know a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or questioning person? Click here for results
Dotti, Roby & Rylee Joy with PFLAG parents Deb & Bill LeMay, and partners Jeremy & Jamie in MN
Our transgender women friends at the Esprit Conference in Port Angeles, WA.
Kevin & Jerome ... two guys making a difference!
Live YOUR Truth... Own YOUR Power Two Women & a Poodle Unlock the Secret
Dotti & Roby take their vision to corporations and colleges
Op/Ed Dotti's & Roby's Opinions
Our Story |
PFLAG Weekly Alerts |
What inspired our year long Gay Into Straight America journey
What did we learn from our inaugural project Gay Into Straight America?
When I dare to be powerful to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. --Poet Audre Lorde
Our professional websites:
Robynne Sapp (Photography)
Dotti Berry Empowering Entrepreneurs
Success With Coach B |
Click to hear Lucie Blue Tremblay:
Neighborhood Song
It's Got to be about Love
If You've Ever Loved
> |