Our Books
Two books are underway.
One is the book about our journey, Gay Into Straight America. The author? Rylee Joy, of course. Who better to share what really happened on the journey. Her "tell all" book will have some surprising twists in our own transformation (remember, transforming ourselves and our world, one person at a time was the essence of our journey). Two Women & a Poodle...A year long journey of Life, Love & Authentic Connections with the world's best dog.
The second book is Stand UP Speak OUT...Live Authentic!
Our goal is to release both in 2007, along with our documentary.
Click here to join our newsletter and stay tuned for updates on the release of our books and documentary, as well as the adventures of Two Women a Poodle and their friends around the country who are standing up and speaking out.
Click here to find out our plans for The Great American Roadcast in 2007! We plan to hit the road and report on what it means to be inclusive in America.