Live Authentic...Whatever It Takes Inspiring the Power of ONE in each of us to access and impact the Power in ALL of Us as we transform ourselves and our world, one person at a time!
You can't hate someone whose story you know.
The tiniest story in your life can deeply touch another. You cannot know the effect your story might have.”--Sark
Our upcoming speaking schedule holds a special opportunity... it could be the first time anyone, in either of our families, has ever attended a PFLAG meeting!
We know that most of you reading this newsletter do not live in the Pacific Northwest, but we want to give a "heads up" about our upcoming speaking schedule to those on our list who do live in our home area. And, you never know where you might be vacationing! (: All are welcome...we have an extra room at our inn.
Yes, we are excited about this special opportunity on Thursday, May 10, when we speak at PLFAG in our hometown of Bellingham, WA (well, we actually live in Blaine, 18 miles north of Bellingham). If you know of anyone in the area, please let them know. With this being prior to Mother's Day on Sunday, it is a great opportunity to bring your Moms!
Roby sent a special invitation to her family. Click here to read. Rylee Joy plans to wear her Gay Into Straight America hat to these summer engagements. Rylee will be leaping for joy at being at PFLAG again!

May 10, 2007 Speaking at PFLAG in Bellingham, Washington Somewhere over the rainbow, Dotti Berry, Robynne Sapp, and their standard poodle, Rylee Joy, prove that dreams really do come true. Their journey, Gay Into Straight America, proves that! >> Click for Full Details