Live Authentically...Whatever It Takes
Inspiring the Power of ONE in each of us
to access and impact the Power in ALL of Us
as we transform ourselves and our world, one person at a time!
You can't hate someone whose story you know.
The tiniest story in your life can deeply touch another.
You cannot know the effect your story might have.”--Sark
WELCOME to the newsletter of Stand UP Speak OUT and Two Women & a Poodle, which we realize has not happened in a long time! We've never stopped standing up and speaking out...we've just not focused on newsletter writing. Hey, something had to give! The approval of Ref 74 on November 6, giving same gender couples the freedom to marry, along with social media (which wasn't in the picture when we did our journey in 2005/06), assures us that the world continues to change, and we are grateful. December 6 will actually be the first day that couples can apply for a marriage license, and they must (like every other couple) wait for 3 days. That means December 9 is the first day any same gender couple can proceed with their legal ceremony.
We had a short interview on a conservative radio show with Dillon Honcoop from KGMI on November 8. We are grateful that Dillon continues to engage with us and interview us from time to time. It gives those who might have voted not to approve Ref 74 the opportunity to hear how we feel about this nwe opportunity to marry and have legal rights.
This historic moment in time means there is indeed another wedding (our fourth to one another) and we are eager to share the upcoming date. It will happen July 6, 2013 because we want to have our legal wedding in the gardens of our back yard. You can understand that the middle of December would not be good! We also hope that by announcing it this far in advance, those of you who are able to join us in Blaine, WA, will do so. We will send out another newsletter closer to that time with details of our wedding posted as an event on Facebook. No paper the forests! Speaking of Facebook, please go to our Facebook page and give us a "Like!"

We have continued to stand up and speak out over the years, but doing it full time takes money. Too bad we can't entice the billionaire opponents of President Obama. We believe we could truly make a difference with their money!
On that note, we spent time leading up to the November 6 election, traveling and speaking throughout eastern WA. This map of the results visually explains that decision.
If we have learned anything from these 2012 elections, both nationally and locally, it is that each of us has a role to play, a voice to express, and a vote to cast. It was the same when history was made in the Supreme Court decision called "Loving vs. Virginia." That 1967 decision struck down laws in 17 states which did not allow couples of different ethnicity to legally marry. Ironically, Maryland, which voted to approve marriage for same gender couples in this 2012 election, repealed its law in response to the start of the proceedings at the Supreme Court. Looks like they are again at the front of change, along with Maine, who also approved the freedom to marry and Minnesota who was able to keep the constitution from being changed to "one man/one woman." We honor everyone in these states for their efforts to create change.
We celebrate this time in history, honoring and remembering Mildred and Richard Loving, whose personal efforts made a difference. We dedicate this newsletter to them, as we stand upon their shoulders with gratefulness for their journey. If you have never seen their film, take the time now. It will warm your heart and bring tears to your eyes at the commitment of these people to LOVE. How ironic that their last name was "Loving."
Several years ago, we received this message from a lady named Melissa. Below is what she wrote. To her, we say that we hope our efforts continue to help you (and others) feel more safe and protected, and willing to be who you are.
Your bumper sticker flashed on the freeway in Phoenix a few years back,
and I had to Google you two! Today I came across the Focus on the Facts video on YouTube about the sit in the two of you did at Focus on the Family. I felt I must write you.
I spent the last two weeks with Soulforce Q’s Right to Marry Arizona Campaign, which brought awareness to ballot initiative Prop 102. These kids walked 96 miles in August in the Phoenix heat to bring attention to the inherent rights of LGBT people. Only joining in long enough to walk three of those miles myself, I spent most of my time cooking them brownies and teaching them how to two step. :-) I absolutely love these young people and what Soulforce is doing here in my hometown and across the globe.
I was not aware that the two of you were connected with Soulforce. I want to thank you both from the bottom of my heart for spending the time, energy, and love to sit in at the Focus on the Family building to defend and protect the dignity of people like me.
I spent two years living in my first home with my partner, next door to a racist homophobic family who threatened us so many times that I lived daily in fear of him, his three sons, and two grandchildren. My house was spray painted more than 18 times. I use to get in my car for work every morning with my garage door still shut, until I had double locked my house door and then my car door once safely inside. I was terrified to be who I was and I had no sense of safety.
Thank you for opening up dialogue. It is through continual love and support towards those who oppose me that I am able to move forward. I find myself feeling safer and more inspired than ever before.
I find your act of civil disobedience groundbreaking. Thank you for having the courage to support the voice, rights and inherent worth of a gay woman like me. Thank you for telling Focus on the Family that hate speech and untruths are not acceptable, and impact the lives and families of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
Thank you, Melissa
Every journey begins with a bold move, and every bold move is a journey.
As we continue to make changes in our lives and grow toward our highest selves,
we are transforming the world through love, one person at a time.
--Two Women & a Poodle, Dotti Berry, Robynne Sapp & Rylee Joy